Coaching Vs Therapy FAQs

What is Therapy?

Therapy, also known as psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology or counselling, is generally a long-term process where a client works with a Mental Health Professional to diagnose, recognize and resolve unhealthy beliefs, behaviors, relationship issues, emotional and physical responses created by past traumas. Therapy focuses on the past traumas and issues, can incorporate specific modalities such as CBT, EMDR, Brainspotting, Nerurofeedback. In order to adapt or change self-destructive habits, maladaptive coping mechanisms, repair and improve relationships and work through the painful emotions from the past traumas. Therapy works with your past and uses introspection, analysis and structured theories, aiming to resolve the past traumas and issues to create a healthier, functioning, happier and more stable future.

What is a Trauma Recovery Coach?

A Trauma Recovery Coach is a Mental Health Practitioner trained in working with clients with childhood trauma otherwise known as complex trauma. The difference between Coaching and Therapy is Trauma Recovery Coaches acknowledge the past traumas, and work with the present for each client. Coaches acknowledge a client has been inundated in past traumas, therefore all focus is brought into the present to ensure clients experience a safe environment, and do not experience retraumatization. We acknowledge with gentle curiosity maladaptive coping mechanisms, and unhealthy behaviors that are a result of broken core beliefs that traumas taught our clients. Coaches educate their clients about the effects of Complex Trauma and developmental needs, educate on the neuroscience of trauma, psychoeducation, somatic work, alternate modalities that may be helpful, plus normalize where the client is at, how healing happens, and what growth looks like. Trauma Recovery Coaches believe that the client has what it takes within them, to heal and we help them to see that. Working with the client, Trauma Recovery Coaches create sustainable recovery goals, individualized to fit the client’s needs at the time and assessing as progress is made, how to redefine and achieve what the client wants. We work within the recovery goals and set action steps, identifying obstacles as they arise, and always maintain a safe space for the client to discuss and process where they are at, in the context of a relatable, professional relationship. Coaching empowers the client to solve their own problems, when similar situations arise in their lives. Our aim is to empower our clients to understand what is happening physically, emotionally and mentally, when they repeat behaviors in differing situations, to assess how they want to change, where it started, and how to move forward in a different way. I recognize the unique, complex and specific needs of trauma survivors. Trauma Recovery Coaching is specifically designed to address trauma. The methods, resources and techniques our coaches use are tailored to help our clients recover from the aftereffects of trauma. It is the sole focus of our work.

How is Trauma Recovery Coaching different from Life or other types of coaching?

Trauma Recovery Coaching is different than Life or other types of coaching because we do look at the past traumas, and how they have affected clients in the present day. Other types of coaching look only at the present/future with clients, and don’t dig down to find the root of how a client’s experience has been colored by developmental trauma. We do not use structured theories, diagnose/assess mental illness or tell clients what they should do in a given situation. We do discuss options, look at areas of potential growth, set recovery goals and view experiences, positive or negative as learning opportunities, guiding the client to see the best potential outcome for them. There is a distinct equality to the relationship, we support the client no matter what they choose to do, always validating, and understanding how they got here. The client is responsible for the outcome and growth. Trauma Recovery Coaches work in the ‘bi-products’ of trauma: codependency, shame, addiction, self-harm, focus on self-care and self-compassion, with tools to manage daily life as a survivor who is healing.

Should I choose Therapy or Trauma Recovery Coaching?

How to determine which is right for you? If you are suffering from undiagnosed depression, anxiety or active suicidal ideation, then working with a therapist and psychiatrist is necessary.

Trauma Recovery Coaches do not diagnose or prescribe medication. Trauma Recovery Coaching is not therapy, counseling, advice giving, mental healthcare, or treatment for substance abuse or any addictive behavior. The coach is not functioning as a licensed mental health professional, therapist or counselor, and coaching is not intended as a replacement for counseling, psychiatric interventions, treatment for mental illness, recovery from past trauma, professional medical advice, financial assistance, legal counsel, or other professional services. Coaching is for people who may be struggling, but have an emotional baseline, may have done some internal work/healing previously and want to dig deeper to reveal what is holding them back from healing today. Coaching clients may have one particular area they wish to work on, connected with their trauma, where specific maladaptive coping mechanisms are carried into adulthood, that don’t serve them for survival any longer. Coaching can involve brainstorming, values clarification, completion of written assignments, education, goal-setting, identifying plans of action, accountability, making requests, agreements to change behavior, examining lifestyles, and responding to questions from the coach.

Can I choose both a Therapist and a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach?

Yes. Clients can see both therapists and Trauma Recovery Coaches at the same time, and it can be highly effective. If releases are signed, the Therapist and Trauma Recovery Coach can communicate on the client’s behalf, which can be helpful, but is not necessary.

How is Trauma Recovery Coaching so effective?

There are multiple reasons how Trauma Recovery Coaching is effective:

•Childhood trauma is a relational trauma, which means it happened in the context of relationships. The journey of healing and working through developmental trauma also happens in the context of relationships. The Trauma Recovery Coaching relationship with the client is built around the client learning how to feel safe with another person.

•The Client sets the recovery goals, and is supported 100% by the Trauma Recovery Coach through the process. The client has final decision, and the coach understands they are learning who they are without shame, worthlessness, powerlessness and blame clouding their lives, due to developmental trauma.

•Complex trauma survivors’unconscious brain was programmed that life is overwhelming, dangerous and unmanageable. Working with a Trauma Recovery Coach helps the client to experience how life can be functional and manageable. The safety offered within the relationship changes perceptions.

•Complex Trauma Recovery Coaching is Designed specifically for Complex Trauma health and recovery. Client needs are met specifically and individually, not generally and each client is recognised as having their own needs to be met and services are tailored accordingly.

•The Trauma Recovery Coach walks alongside the client. We do not create a plan for healing on our own, we work together, helping the client claim their power, assert themselves and speak their truth while learning how to integrate principals into their life that are positive and healing.

•Trauma Recovery Coaching works with the whole person; body, mind and spirit. There is never a one-size-fits-all approach, instead we listen to what the client needs and offer the benefit of education, experience, hope and caring.

As a Trauma Recovery Coach I do not pathologize any trauma responses my clients have. I don't label what they are experiencing as wrong or bad. Instead, I acknowledge that they are having normal, adaptive reactions to trauma. I don't label anyone as disordered or ill because they have experienced trauma and have responded in ways that their brain and nervous system used to keep them safe and survive. We are equals in Trauma Recovery Coaching. Our relationships are collaborative and safe. Using a client-led and bottom up approach, I walk with clients to help them reconnect with our parts, emotions our bodies, and other people.

What is it like to work with a Trauma Recovery Coach?

It is within the context of relationships that we can heal our past traumas. We grow, and excel in an environment with just the right amount of support, education, gentle challenges and encouragement. Learning to understand ourselves is key, how we got here, what happened along the way and having a supportive, caring coach who can help identify objectively the trauma roots, helps the client to help themselves. Trauma Recovery Coaching offers an honest and compassionate space for the unfolding of your healing journey. The goal is to help the client address the issues that inhibit them from living more fully, deeply and with greater satisfaction. We examine at the client’s pace, the broken core beliefs that trauma/abuse teaches so well, and how those are affecting you today. Setting small recovery goals, and succeeding in attaining them, looking at your strengths, highlighting the small victories as well as the big wins, reframing negative narrative to learning opportunities. Clients often report that Trauma Recovery Coaching was the first relationship they felt they could truly trust in. Teaching clients healthy coping skills and tools to stabilize their lives in the short term. We work collaboratively and foster a safe space. Integrating psychoeducation, the neuroscience of trauma, somatic recognition and trigger tools, together we can manage the symptoms of complex trauma, increase awareness and create experiences for growth and healing.

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