Jennifer Kindera LLC Credentials



I believe we all have what is needed within us to heal, but often need the caring guidance of a helping professional. As a Trauma Informed Certified Coach, IFSI Practitioner, Certified Life Coach and Certified Healing Shame Practitioner, my focus is to help clients navigate their internalized shame and potential traumas which are holding them back from living life to their fullest capacity. I offer an honest, inclusive, and compassionate space for the unfolding of your life journey. We can gently work to unravel the binds of trauma and shame to promote your capacity for healing and growth. Together, we will garner tools for daily life and work to come to peace with the past.

Shame can lurk beneath the surface and color our actions, especially if we have trauma. We may be acutely aware of it, or we may not even realize it is there. Holding these parts up to the light, honing awareness and self-nurturing, we can untangle the threads of shame that show up in our personal & professional lives, in our parenting, and all other areas. We collaborate to help you work through identifying with your shame story and learning that it doesn't have to be this way. You can view your world without the shame lens!

If you are interested in taking that first, sometimes hardest step, I offer a 30 minute free virtual Discovery Session. We gently explore and transform the effect trauma and/or shame has had on you, holding space compassionately. Living our best life is possible when the impact of shame and trauma has been softened and lifted. I look forward to meeting with you!


As the owner and founder of Jennifer Kindera Coaching, I have earned various coaching certifications over the years, including:

  • Certified Healing Shame Practitioner- CHSP - The Center For Healing Shame

  • Trauma Informed Certified Coach - TICC - Moving the Human Spirit, ICF Accredited

  • Certified Life Coach - CLC - Certified Life Coach Institute, ICF Accredited

Other programs completed:

Trauma & Addiction with Dr. Stephanie Covington

Somatic Embodiment with Dr. Linda Thai

Bessel van der Kolk's Trauma Research Foundations course in Traumatic Stress Studies

Trauma & Attachment with ATTCH- Lori Gill, RP, BA, MA

IFS & Polyvagal Intro & Advanced, IFS-Cycle of Addictions with Dr. Alexia Rothman

Foundational Parts Work for Coaches - IFS Informed- Lucas Forstmeyer

Working with Exiles - IFS Informed Coaching - Lucas Forstmeyer

Dissociation Made Simple - Dr. Jamie Marich

IFS Level 1 - IFS Institute

As a mental health practitioner who specializes in working with clients with Attachment Trauma, shame, codependency and addiction, our collaborative efforts help you to live your goals and dreams, by looking at what traumatized and shamed you, and identifying the trapped emotions and pain, and being able to release that energy and tackle the conditioning that trauma imprinted. My mission at Jennifer Kindera LLC is to give clients the resources to help them navigate life, with their traumas in the background, having worked through them. It's a safe, compassionate space that helps to foster voice & choice!

My practice is entirely virtual. Settle in with a cuppa of your favorite beverage, weighted blanket and favorite furry, all in the safety of your own home. Schedule today with Jennifer Kindera LLC , simply fill out an inquiry form or sign up for a free 30-minute Discovery Session!