

The strong, sicky sweet smell of lilies never fails to riot my belly. When I breathe them in, transported back to your service, scores of memories tear a path up from my heart to my brain.

Even now, I miss you with a fierceness that makes me want to jump into the afterlife and beat the crap out of you for leaving.

Rational? No.

No, but if there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s that grief isn’t rational, nor delicate. It’s...


What is Toxic Positivity, and how does it apply to Self-Care and Shame?

Toxic positivity is the expectation, either by one’s self, others and/or culturally, that even though a person’s emotional pain or difficult situation is overwhelming and/or uncomfortable, they should only have a positive attitude.

Toxic positivity is a deeply embedded part of our culture, and it can come from external sources, such as from articles...


’Tis the time of year for crackling fires, amazing smells coming out of the kitchen, laughter, and family-togetherness. Well, at least, that’s what the made-for-TV movies want us to think.

For a lot of us, though, who come from families that were dysfunctional and abusive, family gatherings are a source of extreme stress and anticipatory anxiety. Gathering some resources to help us navigate is vitally important to surviving the...


In my private practice, and mirrored in my life, because we seriously don’t end up in this work by accident, I’ve observed and experienced multiple, nuanced types of narcissistic behavior and attitudes.

It seems that you can’t go anywhere these days without hearing people label self-absorbed behavior as “narcissism.” Understanding that grouping behavioral characteristics which can be measured on a spectrum is particularly helpful, as...


My Mom’s suicide was the culmination of years of enduring painful emotional abuse and narcissism


The Shackles of Trauma & Shame


Life, Trauma’s Effect and the Pursuit of End of Quarantine


My silence erupted the volcano of your denial. — Jennifer Kindera


Published in response to Human Parts’ Weekend Writing Prompt.


Never let your truth be diminished or your voice go unspoken, you have something to say, little one.


Addiction is a complex issue that not only affects a person's behavior, but also their brain and nervous system. As a trauma recovery coach and certified healing shame practitioner, Jennifer Kindera understands the unique challenges that those struggling with addiction face. In this blog, we will discuss four ways in which addiction affects the brain and the...


Codependency, also known as "relationship addiction," is a term that describes a pattern of behavior in which an individual sacrifices their own needs to take care of others. This can include enabling, controlling, and sacrificing for the other person, often at the expense of one's own well-being. Many people struggle with codependency, but is it considered a mental illness? In this blog from...


Trauma can have a profound impact on a person's life, and it's not uncommon for trauma responses to surface unexpectedly. These responses can take many forms, such as flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, and avoidance behaviors. When these responses occur, it can be overwhelming and difficult to know what to do. However, there are several things that you and Jennifer Kindera Coaching can do to help manage your...

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Have you experienced traumatic events in your life, or have you been through unhealthy relationships that included the aftereffects of shame, addiction, codependency, or narcissistic abuse? I’m Jennifer Kindera, and I specialize in helping those who have experienced trauma like this in their lives. I’m passionate about helping others to heal their emotional wounds and find both...

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In our culture, we spend a lot of time in our professional roles, creating, meeting deadlines, managing a team. For example, when we are in a management role, sometimes we can have employees that potentially don’t respond to deadlines or communications, shut down emotionally, procrastinate, or self-sabotage. Why does this happen? You know your team, you know the strengths and points of growth, so why does an employee act in these...
